August Reading List “Blueberry Muffin Murder” - Joanne Fluke “Things We Didn’t Talk About When I was a Girl” - Jeannie Vanasco “The Body Keeps the Score” - Bessel van der Kolk “Letting Go: A Girl’s Guide to Breaking Free of Stress...” - Christine Fonseca “The Darwin Affair” - Tim Mason ( audiobook ) “The 5 Love Languages” - Gary Chapman “The Art of Simple Living” - Shunmyo Masuno “All Systems Red” - Martha Wells “I know Why the Caged Bird Sings”- Maya Angelou ( audiobook ) Monthly Total: 9 Total Read: 83 Total with Extra Credit: 105 2020 GOAL ACCOMPLISHED!!!! 🎉 This month's reading list consisted of a lot of nonfiction and memoirs. I feel the need to break this down a little more. 6 of the 9 books read this month were in the nonfiction category. The three books that were fictional are: "Blueberry Muffin Murder," "The Darwin Affair," and "All Systems Red." As you can read in an earlier blog post, "Things We Didn't Talk About When I Was a Gir...